Cankids partners with cancer centres and NGOs to create special awareness programs to help Kids with Cancer


February 15th is celebrated worldwide as International Childhood Cancer Day – aimed at creating awareness and advocating for childhood cancer as much for honoring the bravery and courage of children fighting cancer in our state, country, and worldwide.

International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) is celebrated around the world each year on February 15th. Originally commemorated in 2002, ICCD is a day founded by Childhood Cancer International (CCI), a global network of 171-member organizations in 88 countries. The global theme for ICCD 2018 is ‘No more Pain, No more Loss’ for children with cancer and their families.

CanKids KidsCan is a proud member of Childhood Cancer International (CCI), an international NGO and Non-State Actor in official relations with WHO. CCI is the largest childhood cancer patient support and advocacy network with 171 member organizations in 88 countries. Together with SIOP, It is a collaborating partner of the WHO in its Global Childhood Cancer Initiative.

Cankids believes that making childhood cancer a national and global child health priority is a critical first step towards reducing premature child mortality 30 percent by 2030, and we can make a real impact and improve survival rates to compare with the developed countries, relatively easily and in a shorter period of time, the success of which will provide greater impetus to the war against cancer in the country.

To commemorate International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD), a day marked by WHO, CCI, and other global partners to spotlight the challenges faced by children /adolescents with cancer and their families, our organization will be hosting the following list of activities at CHSU through which we aim to advocate theme of this year.

Plan of Event from 4th to 14th February

  1. Painting, Poetry, and Slogan writing Competition for children undergoing treatment for cancer on the theme “No More Pain, No More Loss” through Creative Manch. There is an ongoing competition of creative expression which has begun from 4rth February at your center which will be judged by the jury and awarded accordingly on 15th February.
  2. Creation of ‘Golden Ring of Protection’ to mark the need for protection from pain. Children, their families, and supporters will write messages/ signatures on ‘Golden Ring of Protection’ and obtain pledges. They will also create a pledge book on the theme ‘Say No to Pain’.

Plan of Event on 15th February

On the Day of celebration at all the unit wherein children will walk to the hospital institution heads with placards, golden ribbon and “ring of protection”- ribbon will be tied to the big size decorated Hula Hoop and will be presented to the institution heads.

  1. Children will each be given a small Hula hoop as a Ring of protection. They will be taught exercises and games with the hoop.
  2. A Charter of ‘Say No to Pain’ with a cover letter will be given to the hospital head and to the treating doctor and nurses.
  3. ‘Wong baker Pain Scale’ will be launched as an advocacy tool for kids, parents, caregivers, and health professionals to acknowledge children’s pain.

On September 28th, 2018 at the United Nations General Assembly, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced its new global initiative to address the disparity between childhood cancer survivals in low-middle countries and that of high-income countries. Each year, more than 300,000 children (0 to 19 years) are diagnosed with cancer around the world. Approximately 8 in 10 of these children live in low and middle-income countries where their survival rate is often near to 20%. This is in stark contrast to high-income countries, where cure rates exceed 80% for many common childhood cancers.

The Target Goal of the WHO Global Childhood Cancer Initiative is to eliminate all pain and suffering of children fighting cancer and achieve at least 60% survival for all children diagnosed with cancer around the world by 2030.

Across 59 cancer centers where Cankids works through its Hospital Support Unit partnerships, children are decorating their Golden Ring of Hope with Gold ribbons and participating in Creative Manch to “Say no to Pain”. Families are signing the” Say No to Pain” Charter, and which they are giving to their Institutional Heads.  Cankids is partnering with many cancer centers and NGOs to create special awareness programs over the next 6 weeks.

You can pledge your support too at Saynotopain, get Calendar updates and participate in ICCD at a Center near you or simply download the ICCD toolkit by visiting


  • Akash Sehrawat
    Posted February 20, 2019 4:13 pm 0Likes

    Awesome!!! Nice post

  • Madhu
    Posted February 22, 2019 4:01 pm 0Likes

    This is a a great post , quite informative as well! Keep sharing such content !

    Posted February 22, 2019 8:23 pm 0Likes

    This z useful information on cancer… Let’s get alert.

  • Purnima
    Posted February 23, 2019 11:43 pm 0Likes

    Cankids is doing a great job. And anybody who is willing to support can easily help kids. Thanks for sharing bits about it.

  • Docdivatraveller
    Posted February 24, 2019 10:31 am 0Likes

    They are really doing a great job!

  • Sapna Bansal
    Posted February 25, 2019 9:06 am 0Likes

    Great initiative..It really needs more such write ups.

  • Pallavi
    Posted February 25, 2019 9:59 am 0Likes

    Such a noble cause .Cankids did a great job.thanks for sharing.

  • social connoisseurs
    Posted February 25, 2019 10:21 am 0Likes

    It feels so great to come across such kind of initiatives. We are so much lost in our own chores that we often forget to care for the suffering crowd. CanKids keep up the good work.

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