Parents of most toddlers are unaware of how fast the vocabulary of a child can improve if they have a little assistance. A quick look at the vocabulary list of a 28 to 30 months old toddler can help them gauge their little one’s knowledge of words. The more interactive conversation and play the kids are involved in, the more they learn. Reading books, singing, playing word games, and simply talking to toddlers will build their vocabulary and improve their listening skills. If you’re able to understand only a few or none of your 3-year-old’s words, talk to your child’s doctor about scheduling an evaluation.
Speech delay can be an early sign of other developmental issues. Although every child grows and develops at his or her own pace, toddler speech development tends to follow a fairly predictable path. Treatment options for toddler speech development depend on what’s causing the speech delay and its severity. When treated early speech and language delays and disorders generally improve over time.
Toddlers use language in more sophisticated ways during this phase of their life. This occurs as a toddler has a better grasp of the rules of the language through increased vocabulary and learning new skills. They become increasingly familiar with the concept of conversation. Play and social interactions strengthen and improve their verbal skills. Some of the ways in which you can improve their language are:
Interact With Them
Interact with your child. Talk, sing, make sound and encourage imitation of gestures. This way they will respond back and initiate communication.
Read To Them
Reading is the best way to develop language. Start reading from the time your child is a baby. Stories, comics, board books, picture books encourage their language development.
Talk Your Way Throughout The Day
Talk to your child about the day’s activities. Talk about the book you read together, TV shows you’ve watched, the name of food, the name of things, etc. You can also use family pictures and lets them tell who the family members are.
Limit Your Childs Access To Things
Limit your child’s access to things like toys, TV, food, or playing time. This will make the request or ask for help to access these things.You can also keep the things high up where they won’t reach.
Play Turn-Taking Games
Some children find it difficult to let others take turns in games, or in other activities, and want to get in first every time. When you play with your child, get them used to the language of turn-taking. When you skip their chance, they will start with the basic It’s my turn. They will make a verbal request for the ball or dice or whichever game you are playing.
These are some of the ways with the help of which you can develop language in your child. Since this is the best phase of growth special care should be taken as it develops their personality.
Geetanshi Arora
I think this is very helpful article for all new mothers. I will definitely share with the new moms around me.
The problem with today’s kids is nuclear family set up. They listen less so it’s important that we keep on interacting with them.
I agree with your point that one should keep interacting with the little ones to help them grasp things and make them learn to speak.
A Kid’s environment plays major role in his development. Books and audio aids are great way to introduce e new words and language skills to a kid.
Love to see your child growing. And yes books play a major role in language development of a child. You are teaching it correctly 🙂
Prakhar Kasera
Oh I have a 3 yr old niece and we got loads of interacting games to develop her vocabulary and speaking skills. And she is very intrigued by those games. It was just last night that we were playing one such game and our conversation (in english) lasted for 20 mins.
Apsara Mishra
This article is so informative and I believe same way.
Most of all i loved the most when u said this conversation lasts for around 20 minutes in English.